Monday, May 18, 2015

It's My Birthday

Here’s an imperfect and stumbling servant who find great joy in reflecting of how truly blessed and grateful she was for every single day she had for the past year and time flies really fast in the service of the Lord. Last May 10, I celebrate an anniversary of one of the most important days of our lives, the day of our baptism.
When I looked back at where I was a year ago and where I am today, I can’t help but constantly praise God for all that He has done for me.
Maybe I haven’t written the wonderful-fun- filled journey of how and why a prodigal daughter found home and finally returned.
It started as simple reflection that I annually do before my birthday, back then a lot of questions were mushrooming in my mind, from simple-funny self-question like “How are you?” to tough-serious one “Are you Happy?” and everything in between that I cannot find an answer.
I never realized that I've heard His knock but clue less of what and Who it was.
A year ago, I didn't know who I was in the divine sense. Now I know myself to be a daughter of a divine being I call my Heavenly Father who knows not only the number of my hair and freckles but who knows me personally and loves me unconditionally.
My life today is by far from perfect, but I know that no matter what was happening, I had His love and His guidance and everything has its perfect time. I realized that, no matter how hard life gets, there is always joy to be found in the blessings that He gives us. I began to keep a ‘grateful list’ in my mind of how many gifts I have in my life to keep me focused on what is truly important.
Since my baptism, I have come to know more about joy than I ever thought possible. Living life after baptism was like living life in HD TV. Before I came to know Jesus Christ, my life was kind of like watching TV in Standard Definition - Everything seemed alright and it was comfortable even without cable and I never felt the need for anything better. No more, no less. None was missing.
However, coming to know Christ was kind of like the first time I ever saw a High Definition TV, everything was suddenly brighter and sharper and more beautiful, and in vivid color in so many ways that I never thought imaginable.
All of a sudden, instead of just seeing trees, I began to notice the intricate beauty of every single leaf.
The poetically slow motion of falling’ leaves, the whisper of the wind and those dew drops kissing my skin. Staring the grand carpet of sunshine each morning and the dramatic changing of hues of sunset became overwhelming.
I find myself spending entire Sabbath lunch periods mesmerized by the beauty of the day or feeling honored having lunch with my new family and it felt like one big dreamy family reunion. Warm smiles, warm hugs, and thoughtful chats and those are priceless.
I began to stop and really see people for the first time and appreciate how truly beautiful they are in so many more ways than just traditional physical beauty. Yes, there are people who'll test your faith and try to change your channel or ruin your signal. Yet looking in a bigger picture makes me feel compassion and extend empathy towards them...
God’s glory is all around us but I never really saw it before I started living life in high definition.
I am so excited by how much I’m growing in my understanding of what is truly important in this life. Focusing on what He’s done and what He promises to do keeps me grounded.
Over this past year, I found out that every thoughts and acts are exponentially more rewarding when done in God’s name.
I am not a great person, far from that, in fact I’m such a sinner, that I hope my life story make you feel better about who you are as a person. Still here I am slowly changing, by His grace, and nervously excited looking forward to serve and finally someday meet Him..

Inked with Love and Passion


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