Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Future is Ready. Are You?

Many want a green card... but I just want a yellow card. One of my plans before is to be a citizen of this particular city. Why? because of the perks, freebies, and more freebies and free services, especially if you're a senior citizen. (Maybe you know by now what city I'm referring to.)

I even go an extra mile by changing my address and transfer my registration. But when I was looking at the list of requirements for my registration transfer, I took a long pause and asked myself, "Why I'm doing this? It's for my future needs and security..." then it reminds me of something...

People really prepare for the future, for what is good and has their best interest and nothing  is wrong in that. 
These days, the future comes at us faster than ever before.  We live in an age of accelerating returns, in which technological advancement moves at an exponential rate.  In ten years, no industry will look like it does now.  In twenty years many, if not most, of today’s jobs will be completely obsolete. Many people like to philosophize about the future. That means not merely thinking about the future, but actively working to uncover its secrets. While other people prepare  for opportunities so that they can take advantage of them when they come. We live in a day and time when a big part of our money, time, and energy is devoted to preparing for the security of our futures.  

We plan for our career growth - to be successful if not on top.
We plan to meet that 'special someone' or partner - finding 'forever'.
We plan for our family - to provide everything they need. 
We plan for our kids future - to send them on the best university. 
We plan for our retirement - to enjoy our remaining years.
We plan our investments -  so our "nest egg" will be nice and plump by the time we reach our golden years.

There is nothing wrong with preparing for the future, but we must have our priorities straight. Is it more important to lay up treasures on earth or in heaven? 

Are we spending more time preparing for our temporal future here on earth, or our eternal future in heaven with the Father?

I asked these to myself to examine what are my true motives for my future. 
1. Am I seeking to accomplish God's will, or my will in the way I am preparing for my future? We must consider our true motives for the assets we set aside for the future. We should ask, "Am I keeping back from God now, so I can enjoy it on myself down the road?" 
2. Am I seeking first the "kingdom of God" (Matt. 6:33), or am I seeking first the kingdom of <my name>?

We must also remember that we are not promised another day on this earth.

 James gave a warning to those who would say "today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit" (James 4:13). 

 "Whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that." But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil" (James 4:14,15). 

Are we laying up spiritual treasures or worldly possessions?

 We must remember the context Jesus was speaking of when He told us to seek first the kingdom of God. Jesus told us that by doing so, God would provide those essential things we need in life. It's a matter of trust in God! When we neglect the work of the kingdom in the present, by going overboard on preparing for the future, we are showing a lack of faith in God's providential care.

We plan for our career growth – why not plan for your real mission here on Earth? Do you even know your mission?
We plan to meet that 'special someone' or partner - Are you prepare to meet Him today?
We plan for our family needs -   Why not trust God to provide those essential things we need in life?
We plan for our kids future – Why not prepare the kids for their mission?  
We plan for our retirement – why plan for a lifetime if you can plan for eternity?
We plan our investments -  why not invest in heaven for eternity than here on earth where everything is temporary?  

Remember that God wants to fulfill every plan and purpose He has for your life. Consider also a few more words: "Remember that from now on you do not make your own decisions. You find out God's decisions and make them yours." - Derek Prince.

There is one more thing to remember, too: "God gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him."

Happy Planning!

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