Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Only Way Up is Going Down

“Whoever wants to be great must become a servant.” ~ Matthew 20:26

I started writing when I was in high school and then blogging in college.
I've lost count of how many posts I've written and blog I've managed. 
There's Luna's Lake (about my high school and college life), Princess Attic (my Korea & Japan craziness), and few little blogs here and there  and finally this- Off the Beaten Path.     

There was a time in my crazy blogging life when blog statistics - the number of my visitors or web traffic really matter to me. A whole lot.  I do fret about numbers.
It affects my mood in writing; I get inspired whenever my post has been reached by so many readers. Have they liked, inspired, informed, and awed by it? An old familiar needy friends called Affirmation and Success creeped in. My stats go sky high together with my ego and pride. 

Then I get gloomy and sulky when no one seems to notice or appreciate my piece. I sat and looked at my low stat meter feeling small, feeling worthless, feeling depress.

Humans are like that. Need to gain every one’s approval. Need to be validated. Need to be appreciated.

Then before I know it I get tired and I cannot write. I thought I was having a writer’s block.
It wasn't until now that I realized the real reason for my lack of ability to write is - my Heart.
My heart was not full of God.  It was full of Myself.
How many followers do I have? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?
And then I've read His story -  a story of a Man who has only 12 followers and down to 11 when He lost one.
That story alone brought me to my knees and burst into tears and humbled me.
His grace woke me up and emptied my heart  from foolishness before it’s too late.
And His life will always keep me grounded.

Starting today I will not care if I have a follower or none.

I started this new blog because I couldn't dare keep quiet about the miracle that God wrote in my life and not because I want to be praised but to praise Him.
He delivered me from darkness into the loving arms of my new friends and family and especially into His loving arms. Wherein I am forever be grateful.

And to start my journey and to rebirth my blog - I’m excitedly taking it to the next level.

How? By taking down my sitemeter (page visit counter) or stat meter and the number of followers. I’m not going to live in numbers anymore, because I’m writing for the only One. Who knows my article even before I write, post, or publish it. All of my work will be praise for Him.Walking and writing my life as one of my worship to Him. 

Yes maybe what I am writing is just purely my story – My messed up life which trying to live each day by His standard. Though my writing is probably “too Christian” for unbelievers and “not Christian enough” for some people of faith but this is all I humbly have as of now.

Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it,will it work, will it matter? Doubts growing in. Sometimes our enemy throws everything he can to silence us.
Satan likes love to take something good and twist our hearts, and making a servant of God, into his slave. 

Add the fact that staying on this course and the intention He placed in my heart has been a challenge.  I’m blogging from my heart, my feelings, and my experience, and this challenges me to make it less  NOT about me but MORE ABOUT HIM.

I know there were other bloggers out there writing to serve the heart of God.  I knew they wrote – and I knew they were gifted – and I knew that God was indeed honored. I wonder if they fought the same fight to move beyond the “me” and into “Him”.

As I pray for every word that I typed, for every topic that I weaved, and for every message that I wrote, for every story that I shared, and for every bit of me that I peeled. Those words were not from me but from Him and if by chance one soul was touched by my story – it will be because of His grace and not because of me. Because each word I type was from Him and for Him...

“You are always a success when you are serving because the way to be great in the upside down kingdom is not climb higher but to go lower.”
– Ann Voskamp

Join me as I’m taking my blog, my writing life, and my service to a humbly next level - by not jotting down numbers but worshiping Him by words.

May we walk our life as our worship to Him 
and take our Christian life to a higher level.
And the next level is to go lower – to humble ourselves further.
Because the only way Up is going Down.
In precious name of Jesus. Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I've been enjoying an article for a while now and I want to share it with you.

It's about Forgiveness and of what it is NOT  - written by William Earnhardt 

As a Christian I thought I already knew this one essential thing in life called - Forgiveness.

If someone has wronged me, I must ask His heavenly grace to forgive that person.

I’m the one, who will forgive that person.

But think of this:
“Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. “With His stripes we are healed.”  -Ellen White, Desire of Ages, Page 25 

When Jesus died on the cross – He took all the punishment for our sins so that we can now be treated the way He deserves to be treated.

It says our sins, not only mine, not only yours but also our enemy’s sin - OUR sins!

Jesus took the punishment for my enemy’s sins so my enemy will also be treated the way Jesus deserves to be treated.

He suffered for sins committed against us.

So why do we need to take it out on our enemy when it has already been taken out on Jesus?

Forgiveness is not in our hands to give but in His hands. 

Now that’s taking Forgiveness to a whole new level.

Put the offender in Christ's hands and let Him deal with their sins.

Give it to God. For God alone understands more than anyone the pain and humiliation you feel.  

And Jesus felt more pain, rejection, and humiliation than any person.  

Pray for those people, who have wronged us that they will respond to God's Holy Spirit so they can be healed too.

I know as a human, it is easier to dwell on the issue over and over again than to think of ways of accepting things and surrendering all to HIM.

We’re more focus in our selves, we felt used, abused, molested, cheated, neglected, insulted, demeaned, bullied, betrayed, deceived, swindled, and hurt in some other way that you resent and the very thought of makes you angry. Sometimes we even thought of ways to avenge ourselves just to let them feel how hurt it was and make them pay The feel of injustice has been taken place. Ways of human.

Moreover it hurt a million folds when the person involved is close in our heart - family, church family, girl/boyfriend or a friend.  Broken heart and broken trust.

However retaliation against our enemy will never bring healing.

Remember we’re all healed by the stripes of Jesus, and not by the stripes of our enemy.

Forgiveness and reconciliation is not saying “It’s okay.” It is saying, “I realize Jesus suffered for your sins on the cross.” It is realizing I am healed by the stripes Jesus received and not by the stripes my enemy receives. We have to be pretty sick ourselves to think that in order for us to be healed, someone else has to be hurt. Jesus does not have to hurt my enemy in order to heal me.” - William Earnhardt

In other words, totally release the person of iniquity, as Jesus Christ releases the person of sin, when they accept His death and life, through HIS blood. However we cannot forgive sin like He does, for only His blood can do that. We release the person to His love and justice and set ourselves free in the process.

This is hard and impossible to do as a human but as we walk our life as a Christ like people and seeing things through His eyes, it makes us a loving and understanding people.

Yes, maybe someday I will remember what happened, but I will no longer be bound by it.

He has taken care of my wounds as He has forgiven the one who made them.

And knowing this truth changed my view about forgiveness and I will never look at the person who has wronged me the same way again.

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8,
I may be wrong or misinterpret the real message in one way or another – How about you? What is your definition of Forgiveness? Please share your thoughts below.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Church Hospitality - How do you treat your first time guest?

Walking into a church for a first time guest or former member can be scary, and/or intimidating.  

You've been a decade or two in your church, so long that maybe you've forgotten what it’s like to enter the church for the first time.

So how do you welcome your first-time guest or former member feel at home?

Sometimes we need to try to see our church like a first-time guest’s point of view to understand them. 

Below is a list of ways on how a congregation, and more specifically you as a member, can love all, who walk through your church door - believers or not.

This is an adapted list from the book Now Go Forward by J. David Eschelman. 

1.  The most important person for a visitor to talk to in order to feel at home is, news flash - YOU.  Every church member is a host  and not a guest. Making visitors feel welcome is primarily the responsibility of members, not by the “church.” It is not the pastor, the elder, or the greeter, but from a regular member. Eshleman says “One of the most impressive gestures we can extend to first time visitors is for people with no official position to take the initiative and welcome them”. 
      I remember that one faithful day I walked in our church for the first time in long years, I was so nervous.  I don’t know what to do and what would be their (church members) reactions once they saw me –a former member. I felt anxious but Praise God for one church member, who greeted me first with an earnest hand shake and warmest smile. I instantly felt comfortable, that person’s sincere greeting told me that everything would be alright. The congregation welcomed me like a family but I’ll never forget that person's warm smile. Warm smile really does wonders.    
2.  Treat first time visitors as guests of God, not strangers passing by.
3.  Smile at everyone and offer your hand.
4.  Look people in the eye and smile.
5.  Take the initiative; don’t wait for visitors to initiate conversation with you or greet you.
6.  Learn people’s names and remember them.
7.  Use [only] appropriate and allowed touch such as a hand shake or a gentle pat on the back.
8.  Ask questions and learn about your guests. Express sincere interest in them.
9.  Listening is a very effective way to show love.
10.  Greet children at their level and let them be children don’t expect them to be grown-ups.
11.  Invite visitors to join you at something, anything! Invite them to have lunch with you and invite them on service/program in the afternoon. 
12.  Never let new people sit alone.  Eschelman says, “New people should never have to sit alone. Take initiative and go to them without delay.”
13.  Help visitors find seating that suits their family’s needs.
14. Help first time visitors by being their ‘tour guide’, visiting  a new church is like a cross-cultural experience, even for those of us who have visited dozens of other churches.
15.  Tell people you’re glad they are here.
16. Be yourself! - You are a loving person and has a capacity to love more.       
17  Especially, include them in your Prayer, that they will continue visiting your church and like one Pastor said – “Whatever they came desiring to find, pray that Jesus Christ will give them what they need”.

I think people form opinions on first meetings. They said first impression is the last impression. They form a particular image of who we are based on our looks and body language.

So as a representative of Jesus Christ and your church, act with sincere kindness and compassion. It is important that the first impression of the first time guest should be a lasting experience because maybe we will not get a chance to really show him/her our church and our faith, again.

Visitor will feel your sincerity and when a guest has a good experience, he or she is more likely to return. When they return they are more likely to hear about and experience the love of God. It is that important. 

You wouldn't know that that single guest, who walk through your church door signifies years of prayer, service, and invitation by a church member. So serve guests well and multiply your message. 

Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you.” - 3 John 1:5 NIV

Inked with Love & Passion

* Welcome image credit to

Monday, May 18, 2015

Smelling Food before Eating It

How do you do the sniffing? Do you lift up the bowl or plate, or bow your head down, or do you put it on your fork/spoon and bring it up to your nose?

The upper class in modern societies do smell their food to get a first idea about the food and the thoughts of the chef how he composed the dish, especially in a creative restaurant with very unusual flavor combinations.
Appreciating the aroma of the food is important, and I agree that it's a good part of the dining experience.

However mine is a different story, yes, I have this habit too but for different reason.

I do sniff food when my sense of smell alerts me that something is amiss. It all started when people around me telling me that the food they gave me is 'Ok' for vegetarian, but the truth is there's something hidden beneath those veggies like tiny bits of tuna, egg, milk, cheese, MSG, or what not -  so to avoid tasting it, I just sniff the food first like a food-sniffing canine. Lol. I obviously stick my face in the plate or the plate in my face (absolutely unattractive site).

Then I realized that it was kinda offensive/rude to the cook/host. I might leave an impression that she’s serving food that's off somehow or perhaps the quality is lacking that I’m smelling it to test if the food is sophisticated enough for her Royal Highness.   

So I'm still learning on how to do it in a more subtle way and totally unnoticed. Plus Miss Manners said "Enjoying the smell of the food is perfectly allowable, provided it is not accompanied by obvious physical gestures."

Also, now I'm more into appreciating each food and showing respect to the one who prepared it and I politely say no in case something is odd. 

Inked with Love and Passion,
Simply Princess
May 18, 2015 at 10:21pm

Things That I Realized Now That I'm Three Zero

1. I always forget that I'm not in my twenties anymore. 
2. The 'AGE' field on any form reminds me of my real age.
3. People started to ask my relationship status. 
4. My friends now ask me if me if I'm dating or not. 
5. People think that something LEGITIMATELY wrong with me because I'm single.
6. My middle name should be “Busy,” since that I am all the time now.
7. I'm seriously thinking of buying/loaning property. 
8. I considered moving to a more affordable part of the country.
9. My clothes doesn't suit me anymore. 
10. I look for “sensible” and “comfortable” clothes than flashy one. 
11. Investing in quality becomes important.
12. The classic rock station is now playing my high school playlist.
13. FM radio station plays my favorite songs on Playback Saturday.
14. My back or any part of my body hurts for no damn reason.
15. Unwanted hairs begin to multiply like horny bunnies.
16. Somehow I'm a person with answers.
17. My clothes won’t be the only things laden with wrinkles.
18. Moisturizers is a necessity.
19. I hate taxes no matter how they beautifully explain its good cause.
20. I have semi-monthly bills
21. I have a five-year plan. 
22. I'm appalled by some noisy students/teenagers in a public transportation.
23. I constantly forget that we're like that when we were young.
24. I'm tired pretty much all the time. 
25. I've been thinking of going to a gynecologist. 
26. Sometimes I think about whether or not I’ll be a good parent. 
27. Worst, I 'm worried if I'll be a parent.
28. I read the news to see what the world is up to. 
29. Vacation days are more precious than gold. 
30. I invest on working clothes than on stylish outfits. 
31. Most of my friends are either getting married or producing spawn.
32.My Facebook feed is nothing but new baby and wedding pics.
33. And I envy them pretty much.

100 Things I am Grateful for

It's been one wild ride year of awesomeness and this is my top 100 that I'm thankful for.

1. God - for everything on this list and more 
2. Family - for loving me unconditionally 
3. Friends - for travelling with me on this journey of life with warmth
4. Dog - for one of a kind friendship and undivided attention
5. Teacher - for shaping the future me
6. Grand Parents - for endless stories and for being my no. 1 attorney 
7. Relatives - for explaining how weird our roots are 
8. Mentor - for sharpening my skills
9. Scientist - for thinking the unthinkable that always made we wonder
10. Children - for reminding me not to take life seriously
11. Good Health - for having enough strength to appreciate life
12. Breaks - for time to stop and smell the roses
13. Education - for something I can write in my resume
14. Career - for what I am today
15. Gathering - for celebrating our togetherness
16. Seminars - for new skills and knowledge
17. Festival - for entertainment and good time 
18. Birthdays - to celebrate new added candle on the cake
19. Museum - for making me grateful of our ancestors
20. Choice - for so much options in life 
21. Prayers - for having a direct line greater than any mobile network
22. Wishes - for giving me positive outlook in life 
23. Dreams - that drives me everyday
24. Laughter - for making my day lighter
25. Hope - for that daily positive outlook
26. Love - for inexplicably wonderful feeling
27. Arts - for making me appreciate life in so many ways
28. Paintings - for letting me see the painter's soul
29. Music - to express my feeling with tune
30. Theater Plays - to see life in an entertaining way
31. Games - for making me forget the time
32. Internet - for making my world wider and larger than before
33. Blog - for a place I can express my sentiments
34. Collections - for making me realized how weird I am.
35. TV - for added noise in the house
36. Documentaries - for opening my eyes to the reality of life
37. Jokes - for lighten my mood and making my day
38. Books - for a great experience that I can repeat over and over again
39. Bed - Heaven on earth
40. Food - for the pleasure of sharing and eating
41. Gifts - for the anticipation, surprises and thoughtfulness
42. Kitchen - for having a place I can weave magic
43. Dance - for rocking my world
44. Technology - for making my life easier everyday
45. Medicine - for making me feel better
46. Clothes - for keeping my body warm
47. Home - for having a happiest place on Earth
48. Plane - for making me see the wonders of the world
49. Public Transportation - for bringing me from places to places
50. Sweets - for mouth watering desserts
51. Vegetables - for making me healthy
52. Fruits - for making me young looking
53. Water - for making my skin healthy
54. Air - my source of life
55. Life - a chance to cross this world
56. Bread - for a holy food other than rice
57. Sun - for shining on me everyday
58. Earth - for taking care of me
59. Moon - for the most romantic thing on this world
60. Star - for making me appreciate darkness
61. Rainbows - for that symbolic hope after the rain
62. Trees - for breezy shade and dramatic fall of leaves
63. Flowers - for gorgeous colorful petals 
64. Animals - for adorable creatures
65. Sea - for letting me fly under water
66. Dawn - for the darkest and silent hour of the day, (my writing time)
67. Colors - for making my life so alive
68. Clouds - for that cotton candy on air
69. Rain - for free showers
70. Holidays - for extra time for myself and family
71. Nature - for creating wonderful places
72. Chance - for fresh starts and rooms for mistake and I can redo it again
73. Acceptance - no matter how weird I am
74. Kindness - for such act that let my guard down
75. Generosity - for receiving more than I gave
76. Encouragement - for words that brought me up
77. Forgiveness - for making me free
78. Faithfulness - for sticking with me
79. Challenges - for making my life interesting
80. Gratitude - for having a way to express my heartfelt thanks
81. Knowledge - for something I can share
82. Freedom -  the freedom to wander anywhere
83. Independence - to be able to fly in every areas of my life independently.
84. Peace - for not worrying my safety
85. Faith - for something I can hold on to
86. Today - for this blessed day
87. Courage - for making me face the reality
88. Joy - for reminding me this is life
89. Heartaches - for making me stronger
90. Respect - for treating me rightfully
91. Emotions - for a roller coaster ride
92. Surprises - for making my heart jump
93. Fun - for making me enjoy life
94. Hug - for a wonderful feeling
95. Kisses - for making me forget everything
96. Relationship - for life altering experience
97. Experiences - for making my life meaningful
98. Silence - for having time to reflect
99. Magic Words - for I can also cast magic like Harry Potter
100. You - especially you, who read this. Thank you so much.

Inked with Love and Passion,
Simply Princess

Checking Your Personality

I don't understand why do people took 'Personality Test'.
Why? Don't they know themselves? Are they lost or something? Do they need to know or find their old self? Do they found out that there's something wrong with them or the other way around, there's nothing wrong and they wanna find out if there is?

Some took it to resolve their issues in life whether its in love, family, or friends. Some took this test just for fun. And have you noticed a big increase in the number of personality quizzes at the end of each year? This is probably due to the fact that its time of the year to reflect what they do for the past year and what they could change for the coming year that can change their life. Which is probably why personality tests are so popular in the month of December especially in social networks.

We know that these personality quizzes are not one hundred percent accurate not even half accurate. Many researchers feel that it has a lot to do with how honest people are when they take the tests. Research shows that people will not choose the answer that really describes them because they don't want to get a negative score. Huh? That's odd.

One personality test that I took in one sitting has something to do with color, just point what color attracts me most and I'll know who I am. Since I am a lover of Orange shade, I chose it. The result is: 

"Sensitive and reflective. You are comfortable spending hours alone with your thoughts and rarely become bored. You dislike superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. Your relationships with your friends are very strong, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you require. You love deeply but if someone betrays you it is next to impossible to forgive. You are an old soul, someone who has lived many times before and has seen it all. All you crave now is simplicity and the chance to focus your attention on a meaningful existence"

The result beautifully described me but it was just a portion of my personality and not my whole being. There are obviously a multitude of factors to consider to know who I really am, and I don't think that this test described my whole behavior. Some things are the same, but some things are completely different. Overall, it's an incomplete reflection.

There's also the fact that many people will choose the same color that I chose, so my question is, are we the same? Do we have the same personality then? 

 I maybe wrong, but how about you ? What do you think about personality tests?  

Inked with Love and Passion,
Simply Princess